Initial Issue Certificates
Temporary Certificate
Commercial Certificate
Ratings & Courses
Drop Pilots
Affiliation Fee Prices
Please note: If you are a tandem passenger, or are visiting the NZPIA on a Temporary Certificate, you do NOT have to pay affiliation fees.
For Hire & Reward TMs, Tandem IEs & Assessors
If you participate in other forms of parachuting activity, your fee covers those too — you do not have to pay more than one affiliation fee.
PILOTS – $195/year
For Drop Pilots & Assessors who are also active skydivers
If you are also a professional or recreational skydiver, your fee covers that too.
If you are also a Commercial Tandem Master, you should pay the Commercial fee instead, which will include all your activities.
For Camera Flyers (for commercial tandems);
Jumpmasters, Instructors, Instructor Assessors;
PTs who are also active skydivers
If you are also a recreational skydiver, your fee covers that too.
If you are also a Commercial Tandem Master, you should pay the Commercial fee instead, which will include all your activities.
For Drop Pilots & Assessors who are not active skydivers
If you are also a Commercial Tandem Master, you should pay the Commercial fee instead, which will include all your activities.
For PTs who are not active skydivers
If you are also a skydiver but not a Commercial Tandem Master, you should pay the Professional Participant fee instead, which will include your PT and/or pilot activities.
If you are also a Commercial Tandem Master, you should pay the Commercial fee instead, which will include all your activities.
For Sport/Recreational Jumpers only
If you participate in other forms of parachuting activity, you should pay the Commercial fee or the Professional Participant fee instead. You only have to pay one affiliation fee.
Adding a B, C or D Endorsement to an existing certificate has no affect on Affiliation fees.
For more information on affiliation, please go to the affiliation rules page.